Hi, I’m Dr. Wendy and this is Fit2Finish.
What is Fit2Finish? It’s what I want us all to be — fit to cross our own finish lines.
I just love watching a runner cross the finish line, hands in the air, exalting and celebrating. Don’t you? But let’s face it, life can be bumpy. Things can get in the way, slow us down or reroute us altogether. Some obstacles may even feel insurmountable. But with a little encouragement from people who care about us, and a measured helping of truth-telling from people we trust, we can get there.
Fit2Finish is my way of encouraging you toward your finish line. It’s my way of giving back after a decades-long career spent studying exercise science and applying that science to prevent injury and prepare people to win this game we call life. By sharing insights, along with scientific evidence, links and updates, I hope to earn your trust.
Some topics we’ll be tackling:
exercise and how to make it fun
nutrition in basic everyday ways
staying balanced in a teetering world
getting old and what you can do about it
flexibility, elasticity and stretching, oh my
and more…
As you can see, Fit2Finish is news you can use and science you can take to the bank.
Why subscribe to Fit2Finish?
To stay up-to date with the good stuff here, of course. Heaven knows there’s a lot of the other stuff out there. Here, we’ll debunk the junk and stick with the science. By subscribing, posts come right into your inbox. You can read at your leisure and pipe up in the comments when it strikes your fancy.
I hope we’ll also create a community to help each other succeed. Most people, I’ve found, know what they should do to achieve their health and fitness goals, but they have trouble getting there or run themselves ragged trying to stay there. Hey, this is a no-fault community. Let’s find what works for you, including a little grace when the going gets tough. And a little nudge when you’ve rested on your laurels long enough.
Don’t miss a healthy hint or a late-breaking news item. Subscribe now to get full access to the newsletter and publication archives.
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If you like what you read here, maybe you know someone else who would, too. I hope you’ll share. And if you are able to support my work financially, I’m grateful. I’ll be using those dollars to help fund my next book. Being Fit2Finish
See you at the finish line!
I’ll be the one whoopin’ and hollerin’ and smilin’ — definitely smilin’…